Small Business Resiliency Loan Pilot Project-Round #2
Our aim with this initiative is to offer native businesses in Washington State a flexible financial solution, empowering you to navigate challenges and thrive in today's ever-evolving landscape.
Here are some key highlights of the SBRL Program that we believe will be of interest to you:
- Loan Amount and Interest Rate: Borrow between $500 and $25,000 at a highly competitive interest rate of just 4%.
- Loan Repayment and Incentives: We believe in rewarding timely repayments. Meet specific criteria, such as making at least 12 payments, and receive cash incentives equal to the loan amount and interest.
- No Credit Score requirement.
- Assistance and Support from Native Business Center on application.
Limited Funding: Act swiftly! Our program's funding, derived from federal COVID relief funds, is finite.
Application Submission: Rest assured, NBC will handle the submission process, ensuring that your application reaches the right hands. We are fully committed to your success and eagerly look forward to supporting your journey with the Small Business Resiliency Loan program.
Now, the first step to seize this opportunity is to register for the SBRL pilot project.
- July 23, 2024, at 11:59 PM deadline
- Register Below
Don't miss out on this chance to take your business to new heights. Register now and embark on the path to resilience and prosperity.