Embark, a dynamic initiative collaboratively led by Founded Outdoors and REI Path Ahead Ventures, is dedicated to fueling the aspirations of emerging outdoor entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds. With a mission to empower Black, Indigenous, Latina/o/x, and AAPI communities, Embark offers an immersive 3-month experience that goes beyond mere inspiration, focusing on action and results. Our program provides personalized guidance, a structured curriculum, and invaluable mentorship to nurture and propel new outdoor entrepreneurs forward. Notably, finalists are awarded $10,000 in grant funding, underscoring our unwavering commitment to fostering innovation. By joining Embark’s vibrant community of like-minded visionaries, participants embark on a journey of forging connections, collaborative efforts, and fueling growth, contributing to a flourishing ecosystem of achievement.Applications are due October 16, and are reviewed on a rolling basis.

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