?A Pecya (Hello Everyone) and welcome! Sister Sky Inc. is thrilled to announce the launch of the Native Business Center website. The Native Business Center is the premier hub for all-native business news! Native Business Center is passionate about linking native-owned small business with training, technical assistance, up-to-date small business information and resources specifically for Native American business owners. Our staff is excited to be your go-to native small business resource partner!
Native Business Center has a vision to foster a modern-day version of the traditional indigenous trade networks. We know in our hearts the trade-savvy strategies and tactics of our ancestors is in our DNA and contributes to the success of native-owned businesses today! Traditional indigenous trade centers created hubs for networking and relationship building, forged the movement of people, goods, services and sparked incredible innovation across the nation.

Native Business Center provides direct links to funding and or grant resources for your small business, we keep you up-to-date regarding current business trainings and we are the ‘hub’ for all-native business news in Indian Country!
Native Business Center core value: we are rooted in the strength and resilience of the ancestors, we honor them by serving our tribal communities with integrity; we serve our tribal communities by facilitating education, health and wellness resources; we serve future generations by executing actions of love, now.
For additional information about the Native Business Center please contact Tracy Kieffer at 509-315-9808 or email at tracy@sisterskyinc.com.
Native Business Center is powered by Sister Sky Inc. www.sisterskyinc.com. A Native American wholly-owned company. The founding partners are citizens of the Spokane Tribe, Spokane, WA and Pauquachin First Nation, Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Need Assistance?
Looking for assistance with your small business? Please contact us today!